Wednesday, May 1, 2013


We are raising money to help pay for Rusty's Parvo treatment. Parvo is a deadly virus that strips the stomach lining causing severe vomiting and diarrhea. We got Rusty, a Saint Bernard, at 3 months old and were told that he had gotten his shots. Unfortunately Rusty had Parvo already and it only got worse when we took him in. Rusty was in such bad shape we didn't think he would survive the fight of parvo. We did everything we could to help him and he got the best treatment from Rialto Animal Hospital. Rusty was in the hospital for a week before he started getting better. Even though Rusty has only been with for a short time but he's already a part of our family and my 3 year old son is very attached to him. Please help us raise money to pay for this vet medical bill. Any type of donations will help. Thank you and God Bless!